Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Advent of Christmas Memories December 16, 2015 - Christmas Travel

Our family is no stranger to Holiday Travel. While I was growing up we would always travel to Sterling Colorado to have dinner with my grandparents.

Later, when I was married and moved away from Colorado, sometimes my parents would come to Arizona to visit for the holidays. We always kidded my mom because she had a big duffel bag and she would pack potatoes and other vegetables from home as well as the TURKEY! One year it all backfired when the bag went missing at the airport. My dad very calmly told the airline personnel that he was sure they would find it soon, if not, everyone would know where it was when the turkey and steaks thawed out! About 2 in the morning, the bag was delivered to us, all the meat was still frozen, dad had a good chuckle over it.

When my daughter Sandi's husband got stationed in Bad Kissingen Germany, I took my first overseas flight to see them and my granddaughters. It was the most beautiful Christmas ever, just like an old fashioned Christmas card. I was outside, video taping when my oldest granddaughter Natasha came out to ask me..."Grandma...haven't you ever seen snow before? Her little sister Brittney was right beside her saying "ya...snow before?" We all had quite a laugh over that one. I assured them that I had, but seeing snow in a small village in the "old" country was a very good reason to take pictures!

The last two years, Sandi and the two youngest have been able to visit Natasha and Ben in Hawaii! Gee how times change!

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